August 23, 2008


This week we did not go into the small town. Sunday, I led another workshop training couples to evangelize groups of families through storying. We've got several couples that will be doing this in the high city. I will be helping them prepare and lead their groups. Three couples have already started.

Friday, as usual, I told a Bible story for those at Loaise's company. I had told through creation, the garden of eden and Cain and Abel. The next story in the biblical chronology is the flood, but one man asked where Satan and the spirits are from. So I told a composite story using passages from 2 Peter, Jude, Revelation, Isaiah and Zechariah. I don't like telling this story unless necessary, because it's not a story you can point to in any one place in the Bible. It's also a little speculative, in the Isaiah passage. The group from work is very excited to hear these stories. We should have started sooner.

Now, the reason we did not go in to the small town is that Loaise had to have a biopsy of her chin bone. There is possibly a tumor growing in that bone, and the biopsy didn't have bone marrow or blood, so it is likely a tumor, though the results will be in in a few weeks. This could lead to a serious and painful surgery to remove the tumor from the chin, and possibly the chin itself. Pray for her. This first part of the year I was deaf, and now my wife is going through a trial. Pray that God gives us victory in all of this.

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