October 17, 2008

What a week!

We prepared ourselves to receive Bro Larry in our home this week and had everything just about ready. On Sunday, as we were returning from having lunch with Loaise's family, we had to stop at a police check-point. They asked for our documents, registration and driver's license. I handed them to the officer. It turns out there was a problem with our registration and so they impounded the car. I sat for about 4 hours waiting for the tow truck to arrive, so I could sign the receipt. I ended up befriending the policemen and, believe it or not, may be able to get them together for a home Bible study to share Christ with them.

On Monday morning we resolved the situation with our documents (something simple) and we went to pick up the car. It turns out that we had to wait for the computer system to catch up with us, so they told us that we wouldn't be able to get the car until Wednesday. Hmm. I ended up borrowing a car for the week, so we could take Bro Larry around. I then went to Rio de Janeiro and picked him up. We arrived home about midnight.

Tuesday, I took Bro Larry up to the high city and let him meet Pastor Ubiratan and see some of the places we are meeting in home groups and see our church building and a few other things. After lunch we went to the small town. There we met with a few people who participate in our Bible storying sessions. I took him to the family on the hill and there, he was able to experience one of our group meetings. We then went to the local bakery and met some others in the city. The baker made a special effort to go to the big city the next day to hear him preach. We arrived home about midnight.

On Wednesday morning, we walked around the neighborhood so I could show the life of the garbage chasers. People whose income is dependent on searching through trash for recyclables and such. There are tens of thousands of them in this city, some homeless, others living in simple homes. It wasn't a major garbage day in the neighborhood, but we did get to stop and speak to one older woman and her adult son. Later we went to the high city again and met with women who teach and learn crafts at the church and led a small worship service with them. Then, at night Bro Larry preached at the regular Wednesday night service with me translating.

Thursday was the day to go, we lost a lot of time trying to get our car back (successfully, finally), but it came at the cost of not being able to visit anymore people. I took Bro Larry around the city by bus and helped him purchase a little something for his wife. We came back to the house and had a snack and then I took him back to Rio to the airport.

I want to thank Southside Baptist Church in Mansfield, Louisiana. They have been very kind to loan their pastor to us for a week. This church has also blessed us in a number of ways that I won't list here. God is doing a great work here, and we thank you for being a part of it, and for your love for us.

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