Our time in ministry here in Brazil is coming to an end. Those of you who have followed this blog over the last five years or so probably already know, but we will be moving to the USA. I will serve as the pastor of Stevendale Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
On the weekend, we went back to Tabuleiro and visited all of the families we could during a full day. We got to see how God is still moving in their lives. We also saw where some families did not stay together and some have stopped following Jesus. Jesus himself told us that it would be this way.
We are also systematically visiting all of our Bible study families here in the big city, Juiz de Fora. We’ve seen God’s mighty hand at work in many families here. Even more baptisms took place here during my time in the US, preparing for our move. I saw pictures.
This will lead to either the end of, or transition of this blog. I will continue to prioritize Bible storying and training others to use storying, but my context will change. We will be in the US and in a traditional Southern Baptist Church. I will continue to write about Bible storying, experiences, how-tos, and post video and audio examples. What I haven’t decided is whether or not to do that through a new blog or through this one. We’ll see.